Begins September 9th, 2025

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Why Is The Master Class Ideal For Working Actors?

The Master Class for Actors with Maggie Flanigan is a ten week advanced scene study class. In this blog post Maggie discusses some of the ways that this training helps working actors.

Master Class for Working Actors with Maggie Flanigan

Master Class for Working Actors with Maggie Flanigan (917) 794-3878

This class is a chance to take chances which you don’t always get to do when you’re working professionally or really in the audition process although some actors go out there and really do what’s going on with them from their crafting. It is very free because freedom is very important.

So this class is a chance to work on parts that are serious or comedic that you can fall on your face here. It is safe. So you can make mistakes. Sometimes in the mistakes you learn a great deal. Itā€™s a very safe place to be. You can work on parts that you know you’ll never be cast in. You are just not right for those parts but yet you understand it. Such as on real character parts that you may not be right for but yet you possibly can do it would be good a good stretch for you to work on that.


Character acting is putting yourself in the shoes of another character. You are living and breathing that part. That is the only reason to act.

Maggie FlaniganArtistic Director, Master Teacher

You want to use it as a place to expand your repertoire and to work on your spontaneity; really doing, really responding, really taking the chance and really crafting. You are crafting in an organic, personal way so that it creates a pattern of behavior. Ultimately character acting, that is what we are interested in here, which is the highest form of acting, is really putting yourself in the shoes of another actor of another character. You are putting yourself in the shoes of another character. You are living and breathing that part. That is the only reason to act.

How Will The Master Class Help Students Become Better Actors?

This class will help actors with their fundamentals making sure they’re really working and are solid. The class will solidify their crafting.

Some people craft intuitively and when they are working it doesn’t always hold because they’re not nailing it down in a specific personal way. Sometimes the crafting is too general and it’s not crafted in a way that produces the behavior that is needed. Crafting is important ultimately everything comes out of the crafting. There is crafting personally, specifically, organically and then there’s the openness and availability. Sometimes you’re not open when you’re working in a professional situation depending upon the director and depending on the other actors. So you’ll have to generate that openness and freedom in a rehearsal process. You will have to become confident in taking yourself through the homework and the rehearsal process and bringing that to a professional rehearsal.

Acting Master Class with Maggie Flanigan

Acting Master Class with Maggie Flanigan (917) 794-3878

Register Today for the Master Class

For more information about the Master Class with Maggie, as well as other professional training programs at the studio call (917) 794-3878 today.

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