Meisner training begins with repetition. This short blog post explains what the repetition exercise is and why it is the heart and soul of the Meisner Technique.

The seed of his excellent actor training, Meisner’s technique, begins with a repetition. It’s what he’s known for: Meisner and repetition. So in the first class, and for several weeks, we start with fundamental repetition. That is two people standing across from each other, in contact with each other, getting the place out of concentration off of yourself and onto the other person, and beginning to take in another human being. Then from there, there’s something that you might notice on them, with them.
Then this repetition begins. I guess the guideline is to repeat what you hear. It tunes up your hearing. You discover early on how difficult it is to be alerted at every moment to what another person is saying to you. Not only what they’re saying to you, but how they’re talking to you.
As the beginning of the repetition work starts to evolve, students begin to alert themselves to subtext. How are you being spoken to? How are you being treated? The great thing about this beginning work is that it gets you out of your head.

You do not have to think about what to say. I tell my students, “When in doubt, repeat.” So at that beginning of work, when you’re nervous and insecure, and you’re starting something new, not worrying about what you have to say, being able to put all of your attention on the other person and begin to listen and take in so that the other person can start to land on you is the heart and soul of Meisner technique, and it begins with a repetition.
More About the Repetition Exercise and the Meisner Technique
Learn more about the Meisner Technique, repetition, and the other aspects of the training by visiting the Meisner page on the studio website (
Actors who have questions about the programs at the studio should call (917) 794-3878.