Thank you for taking the time to visit our site. I know personally what a big decision choosing the right training program can be. It’s a big commitment, and I believe it’s important to begin this journey excited and confident that you’ve made the right choice.
There are many places that offer acting classes in New York City. Additionally, you can find other acting studios that teach a version of Meisner’s technique, or some hybrid of Meisner classes paired with other disciplines.
At the Maggie Flanigan Studio, we see ourselves a little differently; we are dedicated to the highest standard of clarity and purity in the teaching of Sanford Meisner’s brilliant work.
We believe in the actor as artist. We are not interested in pop culture superficiality.
Art is about truth, and this must be the pursuit of any good actor. It takes incredible courage to function from the human heart. The goal of our studio is to train and nurture serious actors who value artistry, understand the importance of a developed body and voice, embrace work ethic and self-discipline, and possess a desire to illuminate humanity in all its aspects.
This requires craft. The job of the actor is to create behavior, and we believe the best actors do this organically and truthfully from genuine experience. We believe deeply in providing a safe and nurturing environment for our students to discover how to make this possible. We see our studio as a home for serious actors to have permission to play full out with themselves and to have the opportunity to live up to their fullest artistic potential. I encourage you to explore our site and learn more about who we are.