The Two-Year Acting Program with Maggie Flanigan Studio includes online acting training and online acting classes. In this short video Nicole Chu discusses her experience changing from in person acting classes to online video training.

Online Acting Classes – Nicole Chu Testimonial – Maggie Flanigan Studio
Nicole Chu Testimonial – Online Acting Classes with Zoom
Hello to all potential Maggie Flanigan students. My name is Nicole. I’m a 1st year. I just wanted to share my experience with moving on to the online acting classes platform. I was afraid that I wasn’t going to be able to connect to somebody via this platform fully, but after working for about a month, I have been pleasantly surprised that everything feels more intimate and more connected. This is the reality of our industry now.

Being able to adapt and work on this platform is going to help you. You’re going to be doing castings on Zoom. You are also going to be doing auditions on Zoom. Maggie Flanigan has become my artistic home. The community that it provides is still thriving. The standards haven’t changed. Charlie is a great teacher. He has very, very high expectations for how you’re supposed to work. He has kept all of his standards very high. You have to be willing to meet the challenge.
The Fall Two-Year Acting Program with Online Acting Classes
To learn more about the two-year acting program at the Maggie Flanigan Studio (, visit the studio website and see what other students have to say about the professional training provided at the studio. Interested students are encouraged to apply online and contact the studio with questions by calling (917) 794-3878.