The Maggie Flanigan Studio trains professional actors based on the acting technique that was created by Sanford Meisner. In this interview with Katie, Oriana Lineweaver talks about what influenced her to decide to train as an actor, how she deals with the stress of New York City, and the importance of talent when it comes to acting.

Eighteen Month Acting Program New York NY – Maggie Flanigan Studio – (917) 794-3878
Oriana Lineweaver Interview
Q: Oriana, what one person influenced your decision to become an actor?
A: I would have to say it’s my mom. I remember, I was like ten years old and she took me to see a show that she was in, where she played a prost*****, and I remember she was banging herself against the bed and I was the only child in the theater. At that moment, I was like; I’m so grateful I have such open-minded parents. Watching her in and being, yes, I want to do that. My mom showed me that the world is such an exciting place, and it’s not black and white, and there’s so much to consider.
Q: How do you relieve stress after a tough class at the studio?
A: I like reading a lot, or sometimes I go for a long walk and let my head wander because you spend so much time thinking that sometimes it’s nice to turn everything off and take the world in.
Q: What gets you fired up and going?
A: Catcallers. Sometimes I’m like, okay, I’m feeling so mellow, I’m emotionally exhausted. We live in a very exhausting city, so I’m like, I want to shut down, but the second I see a catcaller I’m like, no. I’m going to talk. I’m going to get going, and I’m going to be part of the world, and I’m going to stand my ground.

Apply for Admission to the 18 Month Acting Program in New York
Q: How do you think all of the work you’re doing now is going to affect your ability to be the actor that you’ve always wanted to be?
A: Within the two years or the 18-month program, you learn the things that take you. Sometimes it can be the smallest thing that you didn’t even know had meaning for you. Once you realize all of the things that have meaning, you can go from there. Having a toolbox for myself where I know the things that get me fired up is going to be so useful because I’m like, oh, I have to do this part. Maybe this doesn’t have any meaning for me, but this does so here we go.
Q: How much do you think that acting has to do with being talented?
A: Talent, I’m sure helps, but one thing that I have realized here is that talent won’t get you too far down the road. It will help you for a while, maybe while you’re in school, but once you’re out there you really need to know what you’re doing because watching my classmates and how hard they’re working, I wouldn’t dare to go against them if I didn’t have the training that I have now, yes.

18 Month Acting Program in New York NY – Call (917) 794-3878
Apply for Admission: 18-Month Meisner Acting Program
Learn more about the acting programs at the Maggie Flanigan Studio by visiting the studio website Students who are interested in applying for admission should visit the apply now page on the studio website or call the studio with questions about enrollment. Call (917) 794-3878.