Acting Classes NYC – Serious Acting Classes for the Professional
As one of the premier acting studios in NYC, the Maggie Flanigan Studio offers some of the best acting classes NYC and acting workshops for aspiring actors who are serious about committing to professional training. The acting studio caters to risk takers, to those individuals who are looking to find the best acting studio and environment where they can push their boundaries and finally realize their true acting potential.
No true progress comes without struggle, and the approach used by the acting instructors at this studio allows students to test their abilities and feel secure in an atmosphere where they can work, fail, and get back up without fear of judgment. The goal of these acting teachers is to honor the vision of the studio’s founder, utilize the Meisner technique, and help students to discover all they have to offer.

Acting Classes for NYC – Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
The acting classes offered at the Maggie Flanigan Studio provides artists who are committed to their profession with the opportunity to learn new skills, improve upon their current abilities, and expand their horizon. If you’re looking for drama classes that will encourage you to work hard for your craft, these are undoubtedly the best drama classes for you. Each acting workshop is designed for the serious actor who is at the point where they are looking to turn their dream of being a professional actor into a reality.
You might be thinking that making the move to New York and getting a few headshots was a big step, but it’s the part that comes next that can make or break your career. While typing a resume may seem important, choosing the right acting class is integral. Without focus, you can take as many classes as you want and still not have the results you seek.
Instead, the Maggie Flanigan Studio was designed to give students the ability to combine hard work with their natural talents in order to encourage positive growth and a successful career as an artist. If you’re passionate about becoming the best actor you can be, this studio is certainly the place for you.
Movement Class for Actors

Acting Classes in Manhattan – Movement Classes – Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
Movement is an important facet of performance and one for which the Maggie Flanigan studio is certainly passionate. Here, movement classes focus on the release of physical limitations and emotional barriers. Performing can be an emotional experience, making it crucial for actors to have bodies that are highly free and responsive.
While studying in a movement class can be of great benefit at any point in an actor’s career, learning how to properly use this technique is especially essential to the aspiring actor who is interested in success. This studio utilizes the Williamson Technique, a method which encourages students to familiarize themselves with their body and their habits, especially as it relates to tension and stress.
The goal is to help each individual to identify and let go of these stressors and extraneous behaviors. When able to accomplish this, the actor’s mind becomes less cluttered and better able to create expansive behaviors unfettered by tension.
This studio strives to provide movement classes for performers where the students can feel safe in a nurturing environment. This gives actors permission to break away from their default behaviors so they can embody expressions that are more real and true. Performing is always a collaboration and human contact is certainly a key component.
At Level 1, students are always challenged to release their physical tensions and pedestrian behaviors during simple exchanges with their cohorts. Students are instructed in the Williamson Technique and will learn exercises that will immediately begin to help them in their career. The knowledge that the student obtains about their bodies and themselves in these classes has proven invaluable time and time again.
Learn more about the Movement Classes at the studio
Voice and Speech Acting Class

Acting Classes NYC – Voice and Speech Acting Classes -Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
The voice classes for actors at the Maggie Flanigan Studio are designed based on the approach developed by Kristin Linklater. This method hinges on the knowledge that the person and his or her voice are inseparable. The first part of the process is to identify and seek to release all tension that might stand in the way of the person’s connection to the voice. Once the release of tension has occurred, the breath can move further within the body. With this, the voice can move further as well allowing for a more intense personal connection to be made.
Voice and speech classes are concerned with identifying and releasing tension that is most commonly experienced and capable of affecting real communication. These include tension in the jaw, throat, tongue, and the soft palate. By doing this, the student is able to isolate those resonating chambers within their body which allow them to strengthen their speaking voice. During the voice and speech classes for actors, students will learn to develop a repertoire of physical and vocal warm-ups that they can use to prepare for rehearsals, and performances. This is money in the bank for actors who truly know that their voice is their most powerful instrument.
Read more about voice and speech classes at the studio here.
Theater History Class

Acting Classes NYC – Theater History Classes NYC – Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
Knowing how to read a play is of the utmost importance for an aspiring actor. While it may sound simple, picking up and being able to read and understand a play is not always easy. It requires curiosity, imagination, and patience. Not only this, but you must also have a healthy amount of skepticism so that you can question any assumptions or preconceptions that you may already have before you pick up and read a play. Being able to communicate your biases is yet another tricky, yet crucial responsibility.
Theater history classes require the students to write about each play they read as well as to perform certain sections of these works. Additionally, there’s no denying that New York City is full of theater and significant discussion will always be encouraged and required in regard to the many plays and productions going on all around. The primary purpose of this activity is to learn how to identify how values and techniques of days gone by still exist and how they have transformed theater today. This allows actors to be just as confident when approaching a modern play as they are with one that was written over a thousand years ago.
Theater history is taught at the studio over a 20-week period and includes pieces written by a multitude of writers including Sophocles, Aristotle, Shakespeare, Racine, Calderon, Ibsen, Chekhov, Strindberg, O Neill, Williams, Miller, Gertrude Stein, Beckett, Filippo Marinetti, Artaud, Brecht, LeRoi Jones, Adrienne Kennedy, and Robert Wilson as well as many others. Theater history classes for actors are held once per week and involve the reading and discussion of a play. Discussions cover everything from training methods to theater architecture. In addition, instructors will speak about cultural contexts and other items that can be applied to the atmosphere, culture, and scope of the piece in question.
Read more about the Theater History class for actors.
Script Analysis Class for Actors

Acting Classes NYC – Script Analysis Classes NYC – Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
By working with both contemporary and classic pieces during script analysis class, students are better able to understand and analyze any role presented them, whether it be for film, TV, or theater. Working with a script can be challenging but with the techniques provided in a script analysis class for actors, students can learn how to identify key components of a scene and approach a first rehearsal with confidence.
Another great aspect of this skill is its ability to teach students the art of storytelling. In other words, how a character and a role contribute to the overall production. It allows the student to be able to speak more knowledgeable with directors during auditions and rehearsals. In short, having a great working knowledge of analysis can have an enormously positive impact on any actor’s career.
NYC On Camera Summer Class

Acting Classes NYC – On Camera Acting Classes NYC – Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
On-camera acting classes were developed at the studio in order to offer students the ability to use the fundamentals they had learned in an on-camera setting. It is a common misconception held by performers that theater and film are completely different forms of art. While the medium is different and each has its particular demands and skills required, they both require similar skills. No matter where the artist is performing, he or she must learn to craft a role and to listen, answer, and respond in a natural way.
In order to produce an artist who is comfortable with working on camera, instructors work with students and encourage them to analyze their performances, to learn from the mistakes they make while on camera acting, and to mold their approach before they enter their first audition. Sadly, there are many students who do not get this type of training early in their careers and they often pay for that shortfall during auditions as well as on set.
Learn more about the On Camera Acting Classes at the Maggie Flanigan Studio.
Meisner Summer Intensive Acting Courses

Meisner Intensive Acting Classes NYC -Maggie Flanigan Studio (917)768-0213
The Meisner Intensive offered at the Maggie Flanigan Studio is composed of 18 classes over six weeks consisting of approximately one third of the first year of Meisner acting training. These acting classes based on the Meisner technique allow students to acquire significant knowledge and value from a short summer course. In fact, many students in the class report seeing incredibly impressive results after the studio’s Meisner summer intensive acting classes.
Since these Meisner acting classes are so short, hard work is an absolute must. The session has high standards similar to those set by the conservatory proper. Twelve of the course’s classes are aimed at providing improved knowledge of the fundamentals of the Meisner Technique as well as showing students how to improve their personal crafting. The final two weeks are used to put these lessons into practice by working on particular scenes. While six weeks is brief, the students are certainly challenged to discover true originality and freedom during Meisner training.
Read here about the Meisner Intensive Acting Classes that we provide.
Combat for Stage and Film

Acting Classes NYC – Combat for Stage and Film NYC – Maggie Flanigan (917)768-0213
We recognize that physical interaction between actors is essential to performance. Our acting studio has meticulously developed Stage & Film Combat, a program that begins with an introduction to the art of action acting and theatrical combat for screen and stage.
Over 10 intensive sessions, students learn basic safety mechanics and industry-standard techniques for hand-to-hand combat, sword fighting, rolls, falls, throws, and more, all under the watchful eyes of experienced fight choreographers. Special emphasis is placed on safety and the portrayal of violence that is thrilling yet secure to watch, culminating in students performing fight choreography on camera.
The course encompasses the rich history of theatrical combat as a vital form of storytelling. Developed by leading fight choreographers, our 2-year acting conservatory class utilizes The Academy of Theatrical Combat Curriculum. The training broadens the actor’s adaptability and range, emphasizing communication, active listening, and trust. Our goal is to equip actors with the confidence to perform action across various media to enhance their craft in a responsible and compelling way.
Learn more about combat acting training at the studio.
Film History NY

Acting Classes NYC – Film History NYC – Maggie Flanigan (917)768-0213
A deep understanding of film history is essential for any aspiring actor seeking a career in film and television. Our Film History course is a 10-week, 10-class program that delves into the major American film movements since 1927, starting with the transition to sound. Students explore iconic films, filmmakers, genres, and techniques, engaging in discussions that interpret films as cultural artifacts, products of the industry, and masterpieces of art.
This class equips students with the tools to intelligently discuss cinema, providing shared references and a common language of appreciation. Assigned films include classics like “Casablanca” (1942) and “Taxi Driver” (1976), with lectures enriched by clips to introduce relevant films and techniques.
Historical units cover the classical Hollywood studio system, the 1970s “Hollywood Renaissance,” and the rise of independent filmmaking in the ’80s and ’90s, with a keen focus on the industry’s current landscape. Weekly assignments include outside film screenings, readings, two quizzes, and an essay. The core mission behind our acting training is to educate students to collaborate with serious professionals and to be insightful contributors to this wonderful art form.
Learn more about this acting class at the studio.
Cold Reading Acting Classes NYC

Acting Classes NYC – Cold Reading Classes NYC – Maggie Flanigan (917)768-0213
Cold reading is yet another skill required of professional actors. The studio offers a 10-session cold reading class for performers in order to help students develop proper audition techniques and confidence. The goal is to assist students in quickly becoming comfortable with a script and creating a role and a behavior as quickly as possible. No matter your level and talent, an actor who is not able to cold read is not going to be offered many roles.
This class is offered to second year students and gives students the ability to apply the fundamentals they have acquired. In many cases, performers are asked to prepare material only to then be required to check out another role and almost immediately come back in and perform. It’s very rare for actors to be given any materials ahead of time due to privacy concerns, and for the most part only ten to twenty minutes is provided for the artist to prepare to audition. Cold reading classes help prepare students for all circumstances and contingencies.
The first several weeks of the cold reading class focus on the auditioning aspect and how performers are often expected to behave and perform during theater dialogues with other performers. Afterwards, the attention is turned to monologues. Taking text and transforming it into actual behaviors quickly can be hard. The last couple of weeks will handle the TV and film side of things and the particular challenges that accompany this.
It’s very rare to find a role that will not require an actor to have the ability to work with a reader, an individual such as a casting director who will be reading lines to you while using the camera. This is yet another skill this class will address in order to help the students utilize their craft to bring about compelling behaviors.
Learn more about the cold reading classes at the studio.
Professional Actor Training Program NYC

Acting Classes NYC – Professional Actor Training Program NYC – Maggie Flanigan (917)768-0213
The Maggie Flanigan Studio in New York offers the Professional Actor Training Program (PATP), a comprehensive two-year conservatory that stands as one of the most rigorous acting training programs in the United States. The curriculum includes classes in the Meisner Technique, Voice, Movement, Theater History, Nutrition, Reiki, Commercial Acting, Film History, Script Analysis, Cold Reading, Monologue, Film & TV, and Business Preparation Workshops.
Designed for working professionals, the program is spread over 24 months. PATP students receive discounts, priority in class registration, and can expect to be in class 24-26 hours a week. The studio’s unique approach includes a focus on vocal exercises, scene work, and ongoing classes, setting students up for long-term success in their careers.
Year 1 of the PATP at the Maggie Flanigan Studio lays the foundation with a focus on building the Meisner Technique, vocal training, movement, and understanding the history of acting. The program also emphasizes the importance of nutrition and commercial work.
Year 2 continues the progression, preparing students for a long career by honing essential skills such as script analysis, monologue, cold reading, and audition techniques. The studio’s upcoming classes and programs are directed towards removing years of struggle from students’ early careers, ensuring they don’t appear amateurish.
Learn more about the Professional Actor Training Program at the studio.
Film and TV Acting Classes NYC

Acting Classes NYC – Film and TV Classes NYC – Maggie Flanigan (917)768-0213
The film and TV class offered at the Maggie Flanigan Studio serves to challenge artists to take the fundamentals they have learned and apply them to television and film acting. This begins with auditioning. It’s always difficult to walk into a new space with cameras, microphones, and harsh lighting. It can throw a performer off balance, but with the film and tv classes offered at the studio, actors can learn, make mistakes, learn from their errors, and become more confident in their abilities.
Our film and TV classes for actors are eight weeks long and help to prepare performers for the expectations they will face in the television and film industry. Each week, students are provided with material they need to prepare. They will receive their parts at random each week with anywhere from one to four days to prepare. This is almost always how it works in the professional world, and the classes make sure to cover everything from intimacy to conflict and comedy. We want to challenge our students in class so that they can be prepared when they go and try out for a role.
The first six weeks of the class are spent preparing for the auditioning process. This includes self-taping, which is a critical part of learning and auditioning. Everything from lighting, shooting, editing, and submission is discussed during class. In the final two weeks of the class, the classroom is transformed into a professional set. Students are not only expected to act; they are also supposed to operate as crew for their fellow student’s scenes. The instructors at the studio firmly believe that artists should understand and appreciate all who they work and collaborate with and the small class size allows for just this.
Learn More About Acting at the Maggie Flanigan Studio

Acting Training for Serious Performers – Maggie Flanigan (917)768-0213
Contact Maggie Flanigan Studio to Learn about Our Acting Classes NYC
Are you interested in turning your dream of being a professional actor into a reality? Are you feeling disheartened in your ability to do so? You might believe that your trip to NYC was the biggest hurdle or you might have attempted to tackle a handful of random classes at different studios in the hope of patching together some skills for your resume. Are you suddenly realizing that you don’t have the abilities needed to go out and succeed?
At the Maggie Flanigan Studio, we’ve created the ideal environment for you to combine your talent with hard work and dedication. If you’re passionate about having a long and fruitful career, our faculty is here to help you reach your goal.
If you want to learn more about our mission and creative process, contact us today to discuss our class and registration policies. To schedule your interview, give us a call today at (917) 794-3878.
The Maggie Flanigan Studio provides acting classes for students and professional actors from everywhere, including these areas of NYC: Manhattan, NYC, Midtown NY, Battery Park City NY, Financial District NY, TriBeCa NY, Chinatown NY, Greenwich Village NY, Little Italy NY, Lower East Side NY, NoHo NY, SoHo NY, West Village NY, Alphabet City NY, Chinatown NY, East Village NY, Lower East Side NY, Two Bridges NY, Chelsea NY, Clinton NY, Gramercy Park NY, Kips Bay NY, Murray Hill NY, Peter Cooper Village NY, Stuyvesant Town NY, Sutton Place NY, Tudor City NY, Turtle Bay NY, Waterside Plaza NY, Lincoln Square NY, Manhattan Valley NY, Upper West Side NY, Lenox Hill NY, Roosevelt Island NY, Upper East Side NY, Yorkville NY, Hamilton Heights NY, Manhattanville, Morningside Heights NY, Harlem NY, Polo Grounds NY, East Harlem NY, Randall’s Island NY, Spanish Harlem NY, Wards Island NY, Inwood NY, Washington Heights NY
147 W 25th St 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
Wednesday: 9 AM - 10 PM
Thursday: 9 AM - 10 PM
Friday: 9 AM - 10 PM
Saturday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Sunday: 9 AM - 5 PM
Monday: 9 AM - 10 PM
Tuesday: 9 AM - 10 PM

“I was placed in the intense reigns of Charlie Sandlan. I became a better artist, actor, friend, sibling and daughter because of the studio. Even now, I crave the studio every day. What I learned is present in my work every day. I truly believe in everything they stand for.”

Jes Macallan

“Maggie taught me that I could control my work, my acting, and to throw all of the bullshit out that I had in my head about ‘what I should be doing’ and to just listen and respond honestly, in the moment. She gave me a craft. She is, quite simply put, THE BEST.”

Leslie Bibb

“Maggie Flanigan taught me the true meaning of artistry, passion, and professionalism. I am certain that I continue to work as an actress because of my training with Maggie. At every audition and every performance, her guiding voice is with me. It is a gift beyond measure.”

Andrea Anders

The Maggie Flanigan Studio is the leading acting studio in New York City where professional actors train for long careers. The acting programs at the drama school are based on the Meisner Technique and the work of Sanford Meisner. The two year acting program includes acting classes, movement classes, voice and speech for actors, commercial acting classes, on camera classes, cold reading, monologue, playwriting, script analysis and the Meisner Summer Intensive.

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147 W 25th St 5th Floor
New York, NY 10001
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Begins June
13th, 2025

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