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Letting Go and Being Present

Reiki Class for Actors is an acting class at Maggie Flanigan studio taught by Laura Pensiero. In this blog Laura discusses letting go of the work and being present in the moment.

Reiki Class for Actors is an acting class at Maggie Flanigan studio taught by Laura Pensiero. In this video Laura discusses letting go of the work and being present in the moment.

Reiki Class for Actors – Laura Pensiero – (917) 794-3878

Letting Go of the Work and Being Present in the Moment

The critical yet challenging final step for an actor is letting go of the work in preparation for the role and being in the present moment. Most actors strive for perfection. For an actor to be successful, there is extensive work, research, and development involved in every aspect of the acting process. The intellectual work combined with the need to please can keep you overthinking which produces disconnected and indicated acting.

As an actor, you can have an entire script in your head at once, which makes it easy to think too far ahead. When you are thinking about the next moment or next scene, you are removed from the present. Focusing on one step at a time and moving from moment to moment keeps you connected and present.


When you train the mind to be present through meditation letting go and being present becomes more comfortable and more natural to do while acting.

Laura PensieroFaculty, Reiki for Actors

Something as simple as breathing fully helps facilitate the letting process. Breathing helps release anxiety and tension. It brings awareness to the body, which allows you to be present. Breathing helps keep the body and mind calm, which enables the work to flow.

Taking a moment to feel your feet on the ground is another simple yet effective tool to remain present. Bringing your awareness to where the bottom of the feet and the floor meet, grounds nervous energy and moves you into your body.

Moving from moment to moment, remembering to breathe and bringing awareness into the body might seem easier said than done, and it is! This is why I recommend at least five minutes of meditation a day. Meditation is an incredible and accessible tool you can incorporate into your daily life to keep the mind clear and body present. Taking five minutes a day to close your eyes, bring awareness onto your body, mind, emotions, and breath can have a profound impact on your life and your acting.

In addition to mindfulness, you can practice a mantra or visualization while meditating. Mantras consist of a word or phrase repeated to yourself, which keeps the mind focused during meditation. Here are a few examples of mantras: my mind is calm, and my body is present; inhale relaxation and exhale tension; I am becoming more relaxed with every breath; I am at peace, and I am love.

Another useful tool I use in my practice is healing light visualization. Close your eyes and visualize a ball of healing light in front of you in your mind’s eye. Visualize the color, the size, and temperature of the sun. As you breathe, visualize the light traveling into your body, flowing through your body and around your body. Visualize this light relaxing you, releasing tension and bringing deep inner peace.

It can be challenging to trust that the work will be there when you get on stage or in front of the camera. When you train the mind to be present through meditation, it becomes easier to trust existing in the current state. Through a daily meditation practice, letting go and being present becomes more comfortable and more natural to do while acting.

Now, letting go of the work and being in the present moment is that final step in the acting process.

Reiki Class for Actors at the Maggie Flanigan Studio with Laura Pensiero – Call (917) 794-3878

Reiki Classes at the Maggie Flanigan Studio

Learn more about Reiki classes at the Maggie Flanigan studio and Laura Pensiero by visiting the studio website and the acting class page for the Reiki class. Students who have questions about the class can call (917) 794-3878.

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