Begins September 9th, 2025

Call To Schedule an Interview

(917) 794-3878

Meisner Summer Intensive – Introduction to Meisner Acting

The Meisner Summer IntensiveMeisner Summer Intensive - Summer Intensive - Acting Studio in NYC is a six-week, 18 class acting program that provides students the opportunity to get the beginning third of Meisner’s first year of training.

Our six-week summer intensive is a tremendous introduction to the Meisner Technique for students contemplating a commitment to the craft and artistry.  Choosing the best professional actor training is the most important decision an aspiring actor can make.

Questions Most Students Ask About The Training

What is the Meisner Technique?
Is this a program for serious actors?
Will I be in class with other students as committed as I am?
Does the place feel like a factory?

Our Meisner Summer Intensive will answer these questions. This is why many of our summer students continue on into the two year acting program. These students get the chance to do the first third of first year of Meisner training again, and often, their growth happens in a far deeper and more substantial way.

Meisner Summer Intensive Actors On Risers

Why choose the Maggie Flanigan Studio?

Summer intensives are everywhere in NYC. What distinguishes the Maggie Flanigan Studio is our belief that a brief summer acting program can actually teach and provide something of value. A great deal can be gained with six weeks of hard, dedicated work.

Our summer session approaches each class with the same high standards expected of students enrolled in our conservatory program. Twelve classes are dedicated to establishing a better understanding of Meisner fundamentals, while also teaching our students the importance of simple, specific, and personal crafting. The last two weeks will be spent applying the Meisner work to scenes.

Although six weeks is an incredibly short time, we will still challenge our students to discover the freedom and originality that comes from truly breaking free from the issues that plague untrained, hack actors. These issues include, adjusting to the text, general crafting, waiting for cues, line readings, and an inability to listen or work in a free and spontaneous way.

Meisner Summer Intensive Video

Apply Today for the Meisner Summer Intensive

If you want more information about the Meisner Summer Intensive program, call the studio today. (917) 794-3878

To submit your application visit our registration page here: Six Week Summer Meisner Intensive Application

Acting Classes NYC