The two-year acting program at the Maggie Flanigan Studio introduces professional actors to the Meisner technique. First-year acting program student Julia Gu, talks about coming to the studio without having any experience with the Meisner technique. Becoming Alive...
Both Lee Strasberg and Sandy Meisner understood that the best acting came from authentic experience, from the ability to live truthfully under imaginary circumstances. These two legendary teachers sprang out of the iconic Group Theater of the 1930ās. Strasberg, a...
Meisner Acting: The Art of Emotional Preparation The Meisner acting technique is a many layered approach that relies heavily on a practice known as emotional preparation. This practice has many objectives but the main goal is to eliminate the dialogue as a...
Meisner Acting: The Art of Emotional Preparation The Meisner acting technique is a many layered approach that relies heavily on a practice known as emotional preparation. This practice has many objectives but the main goal is to eliminate the dialogue as a...
– Maggie Flanigan Studio Sanford Meisner was one of the founding members of the Group Theater in New York City along with Lee Strasberg and Stella Adler. Much like the technique developed by famed Russian actor and director Konstantin Stanislavski, where the...