Sasha Dominy

Sasha Dominy

“Before taking this class, I was using my body as a shield to protect me. the tension in my body wasn’t allowing me to take uncomfortable situations “in”. I learned how to to express whatever impulses I was feeling through body, language and...
Rolando Chusan

Rolando Chusan

“Movement 1 literally changed my life, it taught me what it means to work on my “actors body.¨ Julia Crockett and Briana Packen instilled an awareness in me and a way of working that keeps me open and available. This class is irreplaceable.”
Isaiah Hamilton

Isaiah Hamilton

“Movement 1 is insanely good. An incredible class that takes you on such an amazing emotional and spiritual journey. We travel through every shakra in the body. At the end of the class you will feel like a completely different person.”