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NYC Meisner Summer Intensive – An Honest Interview with Shadia Almasri
The NYC Meisner Summer Intensive training program at the Maggie Flanigan Studio introduces actors to Meisner Technique training. In this interview Shadia talks about how the six week program changed her view of acting and her career.
Before you started the NYC Meisner Summer Intensive what did you think it meant to train as an actor?
I moved to New York 10 years ago, and I’ve been on stage singing, acting, what I thought was acting and surrounded by colleagues, some of which had trained, and some that maybe fell into this through another angle as I had. My idea, to be quite honest, about acting, was that it something that was just talent based. Acting came from within and you either had it or you didn’t. Now, mind you, I had trained as a musician. I do have that background and idea of what it was to train as a singer and as a pianist. Waking up at 5 am to be at a conservatory at six and play four hours straight.
I do have that idea, but I did not know that acting required so much depth and how much you have to dig inside of yourself, to be yourself on stage. It’s mind-blowing really because we’re all different and so is how we bring that unique quality to an imaginary character. All this blew my mind during these past six weeks. I know I’ve only scratched the tip of the iceberg, it’s only the surface, but the work that I did throughout these six weeks demystified acting quite a bit for me. I know it’s attainable through training. It’s no longer “he has it, she doesn’t, he has it, she doesn’t”, whatever but it’s something that is a combination of not just talent but training, and serious commitment.
How has your perspective on acting and professional training changed?
I found myself living intensely and discovering and getting in touch with myself so much more than I hadn’t done in a while if ever, to be honest. That desire to bring emotion and life into a character just drove me through the whole six weeks. I’ve always wanted to become someone else on stage, I’ve always wanted to, but I didn’t know how. And, how? I don’t know if I know it yet, but being in touch with myself, seeing what stirs me within, what makes me laugh, what makes me cry, what makes me angry, is something that I had not taken the time to think about. These six weeks have been revealing in that way.
What did you learn during the summer intensive that was a surprise?
A surprise? How much we bottle up inside, how much we resist our emotions, how much conditioning we have to break through in order, to be honest about who we are and what we feel. The moment I released the pressure within me and I allowed it to flow through me was one of the most real moments maybe in my life. And doing that in front of strangers is not easy to do, but it’s something that I learned. I mean, I was able to get– I knew I had feelings inside of me, I just didn’t know how I was able to get them out in a truthful, honest way. Realizing and discovering everything that I have to offer as an artist, as a human being on the stage was something beautiful.
How would you describe Charlie as an acting teacher?
Charlie is very intense, he’s very honest, but he’s also very sweet and enduring. When I decided to take the step after years on stage in New York, after reaching that point where I feel that I had to break through, that I was too comfortable, I decided to take a summer off. Crazy. Take a summer off, not work, and train. It’s one of the bravest things I’ve done within my adult life, where everything has to be secure and safe, and you have to know what’s coming, what’s the next thing. I decided that I was just going to play it a little bit unsafe for a while and see what’s out there.
After looking at other schools. After doing the rounds and meeting other studios, when I met him, I felt that he was the one I needed to study with. He was honest. He understood what training is as an artist of another craft, which is music, to someone who is a performing actor. We understood each other that way. But I also could tell that he was not going to let me slide by. I could tell that he expected each one of us to bring it, each class. Very high standards that he set for us. He made us set high standards for ourselves as well as artists. So that’s something that I could tell when I met him for the first time, and I confirmed throughout the six weeks. He made me work very hard. He made me cry. I felt ashamed about myself, about the work if I didn’t do what I thought was enough. It might never be enough because there’s always somewhere else to go and he lets us know that. But he also tells us when we’re doing work in the correct way.
Register Today for the NYC Meisner Summer Intensive
To learn more about the Meisner Summer Intensive at the studio, call (917) 794-3878 today to schedule your admission interview.
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“I was placed in the intense reigns of Charlie Sandlan. I became a better artist, actor, friend, sibling and daughter because of the studio. Even now, I crave the studio every day. What I learned is present in my work every day. I truly believe in everything they stand for.”
“Maggie taught me that I could control my work, my acting, and to throw all of the bullshit out that I had in my head about ‘what I should be doing’ and to just listen and respond honestly, in the moment. She gave me a craft. She is, quite simply put, THE BEST.”
“Maggie Flanigan taught me the true meaning of artistry, passion, and professionalism. I am certain that I continue to work as an actress because of my training with Maggie. At every audition and every performance, her guiding voice is with me. It is a gift beyond measure.”
“Maggie Flanigan is uncompromising, her instincts as a teacher are razor sharp. She doesn’t miss a beat”
“Maggie Flanigan has been one of the most important people in my artistic life. I want to work with Maggie trained actors. As an actor myself, she is my first source. I do not say this lightly, if you are serious about acting, and willing to work very hard, then go to Maggie.”
“Maggie helped me find my sense of truth, an actors greatest asset. Maggie is an expert at instilling that vital ingredient, which allows an actor’s potential to become limitless. My work will forever be rooted in the clarity and honesty she helped me develop.”
“After working for ten years, I did the 2 year program, and now feel that I have the tools I need to become the actor I’ve always dreamed of being. Maggie Flanigan instilled in me a clear sense of truth and a standard of perfection. I am a better actor because of this studio.”
“As an actor, the core of what you have to rely on is your sense of truth and humanity. Maggie allowed me to discover and embrace mine. Trusting my sense of humanity and truth has given me the ability to take risks in my work and my career decisions.”
“Maggie Flanigan has the unique ability to get an actor to the essence of what is true in a moment. She creates a safe and caring environment in which to work.”
“Maggie Flanigan introduced me to my own spirit and my own sense of Truth. Her passion for teaching and ability to communicate are rare gifts to any actor looking for a technique to set his or her talent free. Maggie’s voice has been the one constant guide in my career.”